Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Remembering 8 years of George W. Bush

What are your memories of George W. Bush as president?

November 2000 - senior in high school, staying up to watch the election results and working on my scrapbook for government class

9/11/01 - freshman in college, clear skies, Bush visiting ground zero

November 2004 - senior in college, stayed up late to watch the election results

Faith based initiatives

Giving to poorer countries

Establishing a new democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan

Christianity Today has an article on Bush's Faith-Based Legacy -

1 comment:

B said...

How about disregarding international conventions and laws and authorizing the use of torture on prisoners in Iraq?

Authorizing an invasion of the wrong country.

Authorizing $700,000,000,000 in bailout dollars with zero oversight. The first $350 (bil) we have no idea where it is.

Guantanamo Bay.

The "Military Commissions Act of 2006". Basically allows the President and our country to do whatever we want to whoever we deem a "unlawful enemy combatant" (to which there is no definition). That bill also denies Habeas Corpus and denies a standard trial.

Disregarding the Constitution of the United States that he swore to protect and allowing wiretapping "in the name of fighting terrorism".

I don't know...but when I think of Bush, those are the only things I see. I was so proud of him when he threw out that first pitch in the baseball playoffs after 9/11, but he has done way more harm than good despite all the good things he's done in that article.